
Monday 30 April 2012

Tri Kids day

On Wednesday,Thursday and Friday the whole school had different times practising with the tri kids people.  The first time we went was after morning tea.  The things we did was swim bike and run.  First we had to do two freestyles I was not that fast but I tried my best.  After that we had to hop out and start to running I was fast,Then I went to put my helmet on and I was a bit slow but I had fun I came second out of the girls.  Then finally it was Friday I was so excited.  Then the race started every one started to cheer for the people they were loud.  After that it was room seven girls turn but instead of swimming we had a water slide it was soupy.  I came second out of the girls and Kyra was the first girl for the practise and  people were cheering for me they were saying go leenas go leenas and i was happy.  Next it was the semi finals I was a bit nervous but at the same time I was excited.  When they called Room7 I was happy. Then we started I quickly ran to the water slide.  We had to do 4 laps on the water slid then i ran to get my helmet on I put it on the wrong way but I didn't care so I started to ride. I was coming first out of the girls i kept on looking forward and all the girls were at the back of me and I was happy then I took off my helmet and started to run i was running my fastest but I slowed down because I thought that i was coming last but everyone said run Leenas run so I did and I came first I was  so tired and happy.  That was the best time i’ve ever had at school.

Friday 27 April 2012

Up Up and Away

How to make ANZAC Biscits

Anzac Biscuits


1/4 tsp of salt
1 cup of all-purpose flour
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of unsweetened desiccated coconut
1 cup of rolled oats
1 Tbsp of golden syrup
1 tsp of baking soda


1. Stir the flour, sugar, rolled oats, and coconut in a big  bowl.

2. Get an adult to help you melt the butter and the yummy golden syrup in a  small pan over about a low heat.

3. Put the baking soda in a cup. Ask an adult to help you add the boiling water. The mixture that you just have made will foam up. Add this mixture of butter and golden syrup.

4. Pour the liquid mixture into the flour and other dry ingredients. Now stir.

5. Grease a baking tray. Put tablespoonfuls of the mixture onto tray, about 4 centimetres apart.

6. Bake at 180°C for about 15 minutes or until the biscuits are golden colour.      


Tuesday 24 April 2012

If the answer is 49 the question could be.......

The answer is 49

the question could be.....
